About me
I'm Shayla, and making stories is the basis of everything I love and do. I write lengthy books about magical happenings in ordinary places, and the supernatural crossing paths with the everyday. My favourite themes to explore in these fantasy story worlds are interdependency, found families, us-against-the-world, and a good helping of angst.
Home for me is Brisbane, where I live with my husband, daughter and two naughty white cats. In my working life, I have been a schoolteacher, an editor, an assistant publisher and a lecturer.
Despite writing fantasy, I am a proper SF and cop show nerd and closely follow my fandom faves of The X-Files, Dexter, Stargate SG-1, Star Wars, Supernatural, Fringe, Sherlock and Farscape. When I'm not writing or doing any of the other things I ought to, I can often be found browsing fanfiction to get my fix.